iembark incorporated is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization


Serving Community:
Dureau (fr. Duhaute) is over 20 km/12.5 miles outside of Cap-Haitian, nearest major city with a majority farming population with limited access to schools, transportation and public utilities. Neighboring cities are Quartier Morin (West 3.2 mi) and Limonade (North 3 mi).

Project Description:
Build Phase 1 of a much-needed primary school in the rural town of Dureau, Haiti.

Project Goal:
Construct a multi-level and multi-purpose primary school with the capacity to serve primary education during school hours and host adult vocational classes after hours.

Existing School:
Bethlehem Baptist Church (fr. Eglise Bethleem): Church pews serves as temporary classrooms.